Interconnection and Patience

This painting is Islamic Art. Islamic art is often characterized by recurrent motifs, such as the use of geometrical floral or designs in a repetition known as the arabesque. The arabesque in Islamic art is often used to symbolize the transcendent, indivisible and infinite nature of God.

When I was creating this painting I had to be tremendously patient and concentrate deeply. it was one of the most tricky and complicated paintings I have ever made. As one can see in the second picture, it took a number of hours to draw the lines as all of them are interconnected. It gave me great joy and satisfaction when I finished this piece. Thus this painting clearly gives us a vibe of Interconnection and Patience.


This mandala is created by using Poster Paints, Uniball Sketch Marker for the outlines. I have no copyrights of this painting.

This painting/mandala is all about the small details, when I was making this piece I made sure each and every detail was completed to the best of my abilities. Enjoyed immensely playing with colors while making this one. This painting in the first glance makes you conscious about the Intricate details in this painting and in Life.

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